Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top 5 Anime Couples Of Summer 2015

Summer: The season of love. The birds are chirping, the ocean is warm and inviting, and the sun is working overtime to make sure that we all have an easy, pleasant journey until Fall arrives. Unless you don't like the heat. If that's the case, I highly doubt the sun cares about you.

Anyway, it's time for another countdown from yours truly. In fact, this one will be the first of its kind (From me. I'm sure other people have done this). That's right ladies and gentlemen -- it's time to go over the best couples of the Summer 2015 anime season. But before we get down to real business, I give you this honorable mention of a couple who just barely missed the cut.

Meiko Shiraki (Student Council Vice President) x Andre

Prison School

My initial intention was to actually give these two the first place slot. However, I realized that would be slightly unfair, considering just how unrequited this love is. All Andre wants is to be punished by our dear student council vice president. To his, and all of our dismay, it just won't happen. At least not as often as it should. But, that's probably due to the fact that Meiko knows that Andre wants to be disciplined. Poor guy. Regardless, we have noticed your love, Andre. I hope that one day, you two will end up together.

Okay, now I guess we should move on to the real countdown.

5) Hana Satou x Shuu Sakurada

Castle Town Dandelion

I feel like there aren't enough people who would lock in these two as part of this countdown. But that doesn't phase me. If you have watched Castle Town Dandelion, you will know that these two have an unusual, instant chemistry that winds up linking them together early on in the series. Shuu initially tells Hana that he doesn't want to return her feelings right away, but then goes back on that several episodes later when Hana is still persistent and forward about her feelings. These two have surprising chemistry and are easily one of the most realistic couples of the season.

4) Megumi Tadokoro x Souma Yukihira

Food Wars!

These two are easily one of the fan favorites this season. Although they started off on a slightly rough patch, Souma and Megumi quickly became a pair that nearly all the viewers of Food Wars would fight for. Souma has not only been a backbone for Tadokoro nearly every time she has needed him, he has also contributed to her growth and overall development. Until the two were paired together, Megumi had little to no faith in herself. Now look at her. She's quickly becoming one of the best chefs at Totsuki. All we have to do now is wait for them to get together. Fingers crossed everyone, fingers crossed.

3) Yuu Otosaka x Nao Tomori


Interesting picture choice, right? Nao and Yuu are the typical couple that appear disinterested and maybe even oblivious to any connection at all in the beginning of Charlotte. This is actually a pretty common occurrence in most stories from Key/Visual Arts. However, the two have a chemistry that is so constantly-growing that it becomes seemingly impossible to ignore. The characters in Charlotte are really what makes the show as special as it is. Both Nao and Yuu are well developed and have contrasting traits that, for some reason, make them seem like an even better match. The two of them being oblivious to it all winds up making it an even better connection and gives viewers something to look forward to.

2) Takeo Gouda x Rinko Yamato

My Love Story!

Honestly, these two are so perfect together that I felt like putting them in first place would be too easy. Their relationship is actually suspiciously perfect. Something seems wrong. Normal couples have problems and fight and stuff (At least that's what my mom told me). These two...don't have any trouble with each other ever. There is honestly zero conflict in their relationship. How is that even fair? How does that make sense? Is that even allowed in the shoujo genre? Who let this happen? Anyway, Takeo and Yamato are a match made in heaven and probably deserve to be in first place. But I don't trust them, so the two characters below this will be the true winners.

The Best Couple Of Summer 2015
1) Riina Tada x Miku Maekawa

The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls

That's right. Two girls. Got a problem? Riina x Miku (Also known by their troupe name Asterisk) easily dominates the competition as the best couple of Summer 2015. Even though a solid 90% of their vocal exchanges end in fiery debates, there is still a subtle, unspeakable love between them evident to all iDOLM@STER fans. The best part is, they keep getting closer (But still not close enough). Oh, not to mention they are the best unit in all of the Cinderella Project. When these two were first paired together back in the first season of Cinderella Girls, they did not mesh at all. But that's what made their relationship great. Since then, the two have learned to deal with each other and make the most out of what they have -- that being the most desired and perfect romance of the summer.

- And there you have it everyone: The Top 5 Couples of Summer 2015.

- Keep an eye out for more countdowns from myself, as well as the rest of the staff at The Fandom Post.

- It has been a pleasure, but before you go, click on my name below to see more of the stuff that I've written.

- Sayonara

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