Friday, November 16, 2018

Bloom Into You Episode #07 Anime Review

Secrets Galore/Sparks

What They Say:
Yuu has always loved shoujo manga and awaits the day she gets a love confession that sends her heart aflutter with bubbles and blushes, and yet when a junior high classmate confesses his feelings to her...she feels nothing. Disappointed and confused, Yuu enters high school still unsure how to respond. That's when Yuu sees the beautiful student council president Nanami turn down a suitor with such maturity that she's inspired to ask her for help. But when the next person to confess to Yuu is Nanami herself. Has her shoujo romance finally begun?

The Review:
Content: (Please note that the content portion of the review will contain spoilers)
Following the masterful episode-six, Bloom Into You returns with yet another strong addition to an increasingly endearing and emotional romance. With Sayaka finally showing hints of a darker side at the beginning of last week's installment, this latest episode takes that and runs with it -- embellishing on her character in ways that I didn't expect to when the show first started. And while I didn't exactly desire a love triangle in this series, the way in which it is both presented and executed is quickly persuading me otherwise. Sayaka's sudden intrusion into an otherwise uncontested romance actually makes things all the more interesting and, for lack of a better term, intense.

Up until now, Sayaka's character has been limited to the "Friend that only wants what's best for you" archetype when, in all actuality, she's been fawning over Touko since she first met her. Looking back on it, I guess Sayaka's sexuality wasn't exactly hidden, but its revelation really shone a light on her sudden shift in attitude when it comes to Yuu. You see, while Sayaka is definitely interested in Touko, her perception of homosexuality is sort of tilted to begin with. Having been turned onto lesbian relationships through a senpai just a year or two prior, she's still relatively uncertain of the world's perception of them -- especially considering how her first relationship came to a close. So, at the end of the day, we have yet another fragile character putting up a front. Just instead of trying to turn herself into the spitting image of someone else, she's struggling to thrive with the person she sees herself as. It isn't until running into another couple later on in the episode that she comes to terms with this. And even then, that self-revelation is just as fragile as her.

Episode-seven sees the introduction of two new characters: Riko-sensei (The girls' Japanese teacher) and her significant other, who runs the cafe everyone hangs out at. And while these two are in a relationship, they try to mask that so it won't reflect poorly on the reputation of Riko, who doesn't want her preferences known to her students. Through some interesting powers of deduction, Sayaka manages to piece their true relationship together and actually consults with shop owner privately just a day or two later. This conversation, which ultimately closes out the episode, ends with Sayaka finally finding validation through the eyes of someone else. No longer does she fear how others will perceive her, but the new challenge lies in how she will manage her feelings toward Touko.

Other than just Sayaka's self-discovery, episode seven also hones in on her disposition toward Yuu, who is essentially stealing Touko away from her. What's interesting about Sayaka's feelings toward Touko, however, are that they closely mirror Touko's affinity toward Yuu. And while that might sound rather complicated, it can be simplified as this: Touko and Sayaka are both drawn to someone that, if they were to change, would shatter their feelings for them in the first place. This idea actually details one of the central themes of the series -- changes are scary, especially for teens trying to learn their place in the world. Touko and Sayaka are not only similar in how they act and how they perform academically. The one thing which they truly complement one another on is how they are terrified of situations changing. This is ultimately the reason Sayaka decides to not profess her feelings and why Touko is so afraid of progressing romantically with Yuu.

Yuu, on the other hand, doesn't really have ample time to do anything this week. This is totally fine, though, because it's not like any section of the episode lacked substance. In fact, Yuu actually has a moment or two where her feelings for Touko are visibly progressing in at least some form. It's easier for her to pick out cute mannerism and- hey, now she's even on a first-name basis with her senpai. And despite the lack of any other clear development in that department, it's easy to see how things may or may not progress going into next week. With Sayaka finally entering into the 'competition,' things are about to get a bit more confusing for pretty much everyone.

In Summary:
Bloom Into You takes a small amount of time off from the Yuu/Touko dynamic and spends most of its duration teaching us about Sayaka. Unsure of what to make of her best friend (And crush) slowly drifting away, Sayaka manages to come to terms (Albeit only slightly) with the person she is and her role in Touko's life. The major issue now is how that perception may change with the inevitably blooming relationship between our two protagonists. Yet another major conflict has arisen. Our couple has turned into a trio and, no matter what happens from this point on, someone is going to get hurt.

Episode Grade: B+
Streamed By: HIDIVE

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