Monday, December 24, 2018

Top 10 Cutest Anime Girls Of Fall 2018

Welcome back, ladies and mostly gentlemen, to yet another installment of the most factual and unarguably indisputable countdown on the entire Interweb. Assuming you didn't click blindly on the link thanks to adorable girls of Zombieland Saga, allow me to reiterate how things work here. Within this article, we will delve deep into some of the cutest girls from the Fall 2018 season. I have judged them (Completely unbiasedly, might I add) on several layers of criteria that only the most moe of moe can possible stand up to. And, as always, it sure to get a bunch of you pissed off.

But hey, I'm used to it by now. And now that comments are enabled, you can all [once again] disagree with me in the space below if you'd so oblige! But for now, I guess we should probably get things started. I mean, the season is going to officially end in a little over a week- so now's the best opportunity to bang this out, am I right? 

Of course I am. So without further ado, say hello to your cutest girls of the Fall season!

10) Sophie Twilight

Anime: Tonari No Kyuuketsuki-san
CV: Miyu Tomita

You know, I think this might be the first vampire I've ever included in a 'cutest girls' ranking. Keyword: Think. Honestly, I've done enough of these that I can't remember half of the girls I've even thrown in to begin with (That is a lie). But even if there are a few other vampires, I'm positive Sophie Twilight would be a solid contender if we were to throw them all into a room together. Being the only enjoyable part of an otherwise mundane and comedically flat series in "Ms. Vampire Who Lives In My Neighborhood," Sophie channel's her NEET-loli goodness into a bundle of joy that is quite difficult to ignore. If only I were able to sit through the rest of the show...

9) Mahiru Konatsuki

Anime: Conception
CV: Emiri Katou

Speaking of horrible anime, here is another gift from one! The only difference here is that Conception seems entirely self-aware of just how bad it is. What isn't bad, however, is the lovable and quirky childhood friend, Mahiru Konatsuki. Thrown into an alternate universe with her beta childhood friend and protagonist of the series, Mahiru utilizes shorthanded comedy and a classic Japanese aesthetic to capture the hearts of Conception's [roughly] ten viewers. What's even more interesting is that, out of all the girls in the show, she's arguably the most generic. But hey, a sarcastic girl who likes messing with her prospective love interest is a trope I can't see myself getting bored of any time soon.

8) Tomoe Koga

Anime: Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai
CV: Nao Touyama

Oh heck yeah, bring out the Kansai! Koga's first impression in the masterpiece that is Rascal/Bunny Girl is...well, a bit different than pretty much everyone else on the countdown in the fact that she [literally] has her ass kicked. That aside, Koga's character arc is like watching the most adorable trainwreck of all time- it's impossible to look away. As this kouhai falls desperately in love with the protagonist of the series, she goes as far as doing something that no one in their right mind would ever do under normal circumstances. Yup, she turns the whole show into Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day." And while this would be an unforgivable undertaking for most, Koga's cuteness factor gives her a free pass this time around.

7) Yousei Yunde (High Elf Archer)

Anime: Goblin Slayer
CV: Nao Touyama

If you take away the ears, High Elf Archer would pretty much be a character that was made simply to tailor to my [subjectively flawless] taste. Part tsundere, part bubbly firecracker, she wastes little to no time in being the break Goblin Slayer needs from its incessant hyperviolence. Hell, I pretty much never like elves (Yes, it's the ears), so the fact that she even made it on this list must be a testament to just how much I enjoy her. Also, if there's anything we learned from Tsurune this season, it's that archery is the single most attractive sub-sport and, just looking at our archer here, that's pretty easy to confirm. Those hundreds of years have certainly treated her well. (This is also the second Nao Touyama character in a row, coincidentally).

6) Mai Sakurajima

Anime: Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai
CV: Asami Seto

Ahh, so the bunny girl herself shows her face just short of the top five. Don't get me wrong, Mai Sakurajima is easily one of the most interesting and well thought out female characters in all of the Fall season. In fact, she's so great that they even named the show after her. Kind of. With another bizarre first impression in the form of being, well, a bunny-girl -- Mai quickly works her way into our hearts with her harsh, intellectual demeanor. And when I say harsh, I mean harsh. I'm not really big on the whole "Step on me" thing that a lot of dudes out there have been saying concerning their waifus but, you know, I think this would be one of those rare occasions where I'd make the exception. As long as she's not wearing the heels, that is. Ouch.

5) Kohaku Tsukishiro

Anime: IRODUKU - The World In Colors
CV: Kaede Hondo

Yet again, PA Works managers to encapsulate the ideology of perfection into a single body without anyone else in the show really noticing it. Even without showing up in the first several episodes, Kohaku bursts into IRODUKU like a bat out of hell and brings a wave of nostalgia with her. Considering that she's technically in her 70's (I think?) when the show starts, it makes getting to know her sort of bittersweet in a way. Having such an energetic and jovial young girl essentially live her entire life offscreen makes our time spent with her pretty much one long goodbye. And despite not ever getting to see how Kohaku flourishes, the strong impression she leaves on the viewer is still easily enough to guarantee her a spot in the top five.

4) Kaede Azusagawa

Anime: Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai
CV: Yurika Kubo

What is it about the younger sister in all of these intellectual romantic comedies that I keep falling for? In similar siscon fashion to Oregairu's Komachi Hikigaya, Kaede is so gosh darn cute that it physically pains me to see her. I mean, just look at the panda pajamas, for crying out loud. And if there's anything out there that really makes panda pajamas pop, it's the crippling fear of everyone and everything around you. Kaede hits that mark and more while still being the ideal little sister any anime dude could ask for. You wouldn't even have to worry about her leaving the house and being swept away by some other guy with spiky hair. This pure, archetypical imouto is just one more example of why being born as a 3D human sucks and why 2D guys have it so much better.

3) Uki Sawatari

Anime: Anima Yell!
CV: Mikako Izawa

Uki is a gosh darn treasure and I love her so, so much. In fact, everyone in Anima Yell is a treasure in their own way, just none of them are nearly as great as this prime example of youthful lesbianism. Spending half of her screentime acting as the mother figure for the cheer club and the other half trying not to have a nosebleed whenever she touches Kohane, Uki is pretty much always a treat to watch. And even though she does her best to put on a normal high school girl exterior, she's a forgetful, quirky, and easily embarrassed young lass with an unending affinity for cute and girly things. This sort of double-personality thing is yet another trope that I've fallen head over heels for in my time with waifu-ranking, and by no means would it be fair to overlook this one. Praise be to Uki.

2) Saki Nikaidou

Anime: Zombieland Saga
CV: Asami Tano

I bet you were starting to think that no one from Zombieland Saga would wind up on this list, weren't you? Oh come on, you really think I'd bait you in like that?... Sure, I did do it with Rem in the past, but bygones are bygones, right guys? That aside, SAKI IS THE FRIGGIN' BRO. Not only is she the funniest and most badass girl in all of Franchouchou, she's also the cutest! And what really solidified this choice for me was seeing how excited she was to dress up like a chicken for the Drive-In Tori commercial. In fact, almost everyone that I've spoken to who watches the series is in agreement that she is indisputably the best choice and the truest zombie waifu since Rea Sanka. But you know what Rea didn't have that Saki does? A beast ass rock-idol song and a motorcycle. Tough girls in anime aren't always a hit for me, but I'm not sure if there's ever been anyone as cool and tough as this before. Now, if we can only get a Saki spinoff season...

Fall 2018 Champion: 1) Yuu Koito

Anime: Bloom Into You
CV: Yuuki Takada

Anyone that follows me on social media should know by now that I am absolutely in love with Bloom Into You. That wouldn't be remotely possible without this precious girl. Battling her inability to love, the debatably asexual Yuu Koito spends an entire series (Forgive me for this) blooming into someone that she isn't just complacent with- she's happy with. This persistence, how she keeps her head in the game, and all of the obstacles that stand in the way of her doing this have created not only an amazing character but a beautiful one. Yes, beauty and cuteness are not one and the same- but I never stated that Yuu was locked into just one of these adjectives. Her curt mannerisms and even some of her boyish tendencies go on to make her a remarkably unique and objectively adorable girl. If Bloom Into You wasn't already a phenomenal shoujo-ai series, I have no doubt in my mind that Yuu could carry it. Thankfully, she doesn't need to. And this gives her even more time to shine.

And there you have it, everyone. The 10 cutest girls from the past few months. Now, go ahead and change your desktops, wallpapers, etc. You know the drill.

See you again at the end of next season for another "Cutest Girls"

Feel free to browse the rest of The Fandom Post until then!

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