Thursday, July 4, 2019

Top 10 Cutest Anime Girls Of Spring 2019

Welcome back, ladies and mostly gentlemen, to yet another installment of the most factual and indisputable countdown on the entire Internet. Assuming you didn't click blindly on the link thanks to Mafuyu here, allow me to reiterate how things work. Within this article, we will delve deep into some of the cutest girls from the Spring 2019 season. I have judged them (Completely unbiasedly, might I add) on several layers of criteria that only the most moe of moe can possibly stand up to. And, as always, it is sure to get a bunch of you pissed off.

But hey, I'm used to it by now. And now that comments are enabled, you can all [once again] disagree with me in the space below if you'd so oblige! But, for the time being, I guess we should probably get things started. I mean, the season is pretty much over already since I took way longer than normal to write this up.  

So without further ado, say hello to your cutest girls of Spring 2019!

10) Nako Sunao

Anime: Hitoribocchi No Marumaru Seikatsu
CV: Minami Tanaka

I guess we'll kick things off with a character who, aesthetically, isn't 100% up my alley. But let it be known now that cuteness is defined not only by one's appearance but their mannerisms and all-around personality as well. With that in mind, Nako is the friggin' best, dude. To be fair, every girl in Hitoribocchi is the comedic relief in some way or another -- but Nako's comedy comes in the fact that she's essentially devoid of the overexaggerated traits every other character in the show possesses. From start to finish, Nako is a delight to watch. And despite the borderline-delinquent demeanor, her kind and caring nature concerning Bocchi makes her an easy addition to this season's top ten.

9) Akane Ukita

Anime: Cinderella Nine
CV: Yumiri Hanamori

And now for a show that pretty much no one else watched -- Cinderella Nine. Even though it's nowhere near a contender for best series of the year on the basis of animation alone, Cinderella Nine's characters are one of the several good things it has going for it. Akane here is the cutest out of all of them. Sure, she's by far the worst player on her school's baseball team, but do you see that hoodie? It's adorable. Even the hat for her baseball uniform has cat ears built into it. Now, I'm not typically into characters who REALLY amp up how clumsy or hopeless they are, but something about Akane makes me overlook that. Yes, it is probably the ears. And no, I am not ashamed of this.

8) Hiro Kurusu

Anime: Kono Oto Tomare!
CV: Sara Matsumoto

Ugh, Hiro, please ruin my life. Despite being a total bitch at first, Hiro's remarkably fragile persona heightens her character's likability factor to the point where many viewers forget why they even hated her in the first place. Like many others in the show, Hiro is someone who lets her past get the best of her and turn her into something she never wanted to be. It isn't until this side of her is directly opposed that she's able to see that. Hidden beneath her tough exterior is a girl who really just wants to belong somewhere. That layer of realism and those enchanting friggin' eyes give her almost everything she needs to not only be cute but a fantastic character on top of that.

7) Kagura Souma

Anime: Fruits Basket
CV: Rie Kugimiya

Give us more Kagura! We're still only in the beginning phase of the Fruits Basket remake, but Kagura has already left her footprint on not only Kyo's face, but our hearts as well. The Souma family is cursed to constantly swap back and forth between humans and zodiac animals. Kagura here is no exception that. The thing is, she switches personalities even more than those aforementioned physical forms. One second, she'll be cute and cuddly, only to be punching you through a wall several seconds later. That comical unpredictability makes her someone who turns every single scene into a series highlight. And thanks to a fantastic performance by industry veteran, Rie Kugimiya, Kagura stands out as one of the best parts of the show as a whole.

6) Nanako Yukishiro

Anime: Senryuu Shoujo
CV: Kana Hanzawa

I'm actually surprised that Nanako didn't make it into my top five. When this season first started, I could have sworn she'd be a contender for first place. But with a season as strong as this one in terms of cuteness, I guess it just wasn't in the cards. Even though she didn't crack the top five, though, Nanako (And Senryuu Shoujo in general) is a ray of light that shines through the harsh shade of reality. Despite coming out of a short, she still manages to gift us several with several emotional climaxes and a believable romance, all without ever speaking a word. Of course, thanks to Kana Hanazawa, we still get to hear her inner narration, albeit in 5-7-5 form. So with that in mind, here is a Senryuu for you, Nanako.

Hey there, Nanako
Thanks for all the laughs and stuff
You're still really cute

5) Fumino Furuhashi

Anime: BOKUBEN: We Never Learn
CV: Haruka Shiraishi

And here is someone I didn't expect to make it into the top five at all. Honestly, she probably wouldn't have either if I wrote this article around the same time I normally do. Thankfully for Fumino, the finale of BOKUBEN brought us one of the most romantically-charged and adorable moments in the entire series. The transition from the older-sister, supportive type to yet another harem candidate has hit her with the weight of a thousand bricks and converted her into someone I can't help but root for. In terms of aesthetics, I might even go as far as saying she's the most visually appealing out of everyone on this list -- and that's coming from someone who rarely ever likes blue hair. At the end of the day, I'm just glad that she's finally in contention for Yuiga's heart in the same way that everyone else in the show is.

4) Nezuko Kamado

Anime: Demon Slayer
CV: Akari Kito

Here she is, the beauty of our village -- our Nezuko. Just like Nanako from Senryuu Girl, Nezuko is a character who is unable to speak. Well, at least after the first episode. But what she lacks in communication she makes up in action. She's also the only character in this countdown who has kicked someone's head off (Though, Kagura probably could as well). And if there is any way for a girl to sneak her way into my heart, it's with some good, old-fashioned decapitation. From normal form to scary-ass demon form, Nezuko is someone we want to protect even though we don't have to. One of the key cuteness pillars is asking yourself, "What would I do for you?" and, for Nezuko, I'm sure many of us would have trained just as hard as Tanjiro did. With Demon Slayer receiving two cours, I'm very excited to carry on watching this character and dying every time she steps out of her box.

3) Tohru Honda

Anime: Fruits Basket
CV: Manaka Iwami

Tohru is a great example of how to write shoujo manga properly. She's more than just some girl who falls in love with whichever guy is on screen at the moment -- she's a character with an actual background who constantly puts the wellbeing of others before her own. As Fruits Basket continues to progress, we uncover more about Tohru's life and the ever-expanding world in which it takes place. And with every new background detail comes an extra layer of likability as we basically begin to grow alongside her. Thanks to a fantastic performance from Manaka Iwami, Tohru feels more akin to a girl you'd meet in real life rather than in an anime series. And while this may be a put-off under many circumstances, the way in which it is presented here is more than enough to grant her a spot in the top three

2) Aru Honshou

Anime: Hitoribocchi No Marumaru Seikatsu
CV: Akari Kito

You know that thing people say about how someone's flaws can actually make them cuter? Well, Aru here is the living manifestation of that saying. She has so many flaws that she is not only the funniest character in all of Hitoribocchi, but the most lovable as well. And every time we think to ourselves, "Okay, what can Aru possibly do to become even better?" she turns around and blows our expectations tenfold. Hell, she even has her own song. She can shoot friggin' beams of inspiration out of her finger guns. What more do you want? The icing on the cake, though? The three seconds she gets in the OP where she's singing karaoke. THAT is the epitome of cuteness -- and only one girl was brave enough to take her down this season.

Spring 2019 Champion: 1) Uruka Takemoto

Anime: BOKUBEN: We Never Learn
CV: Sayumi Suzushiro

Uruka is a PRINCESS. She's one of those characters who falls into the category of being so in love that it is borderline sickening to watch her at points. She is trying SO HARD just to be noticed by the guy she likes that it is essentially consuming her. She is becoming less human by the minute and transforming into an actual ball of endearing qualities that none of us are going to be capable of handling once she reaches her peak. Also, much like Aru, she has three seconds in the OP that really hammer the cuteness factor home. Though, in this case there is less karaoke and more swimming. At the end of the day, Uruka is pretty much the pinnacle of what I believe cuteness to be. She has the looks, she has the personality, she has the background, the motive, the voice, the mannerisms- everything. And with that being said, there is absolutely no way I wasn't going to give her first place this season. Also, shout-out to tan-lines everywhere

And there you have it, everyone. The 10 cutest girls from the past few months. Now, go ahead and change your desktops, wallpapers, etc. You know the drill.

See you again at the end of next season for another "Cutest Girls"

Feel free to browse the rest of The Fandom Post until then!

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